Training of well-educated specialists in the high schools in the republic in many respects depends on quality of teaching books and manuals, including in fine arts, the students can use. Especially vital is the problem of publication of teaching books in Uzbek on the basis of progressive experience of advanced countries.

In 2000, for the students of pedagogical institutes, future teachers in drawing, a number of teaching books was published. The experience got then can help in preparation of next schoolbooks for future artists.

The scholars — art critics are especially responsible for this matter. Famous artists are engaged too. Lately professors and teachers of the National Institute of Arts and Design named after K. Bihzad have worked out a line of scientific and methodological books. Famous artists, J. Umarbekov, B. Djalalov, B. Babaev, art critics A. Abdurazzakov and N. Abdullaev took part in their preparation. In addition, were prepared schoolbooks «Rangtasvir» («Painting») edited by J. Umarbekov, «Chizma tasvir» («Drawing») edited by S. Abdullaev. Reference materials of such famous artists as B. Babaev, S. Abdullaev, A. Ikromjonov and T. Kuziev were published too. On their basis, under edition of Professor B. Djalalov was prepared a general teaching book «Composition». The Academy of Arts is planning to publish the books of art critic, professor N. Akhmedov «Plastic Anatomy» at the publishing house «Uzbekiston milliy encyclopaedeasi».

The interesting is the initiative of teachers from the chair of painting at the class of R. Akmedov on preparation computer books in special subjects. At the chair of design, under leading of K. Mukhammadjonov are in a process of preparation the teaching books in Uzbek, as translation from Russian, «Sanoat designi». The vital remains the problem of teaching books for the graduate students. Now is running the work on improvement of educational programs.

Author: Akmal Ikromjonov