March 3 — April 15

The Gallery of Pictorial Art of Uzbekistan, with support from Goethe institute (Tashkent) hosted the exhibition of Gerhard Richter, one of the most well-known contemporary artists of Germany, which was organized under the project run by the Institute of Foreign Relations (Stuttgart). For the display the artist selected 27 works that explicitly characterize the style and trend in which he works.

April 1-11
The member of the creative union of artist of Uzbekistan and participant of numerous international contests, a well-known cartoonist R. Azizov dedicated his exhibition to the International Day of Humour. The display in the Tashkent House of Photography presented many humorous works, friendly cartoons, etc.

April 5-13
The International caravanserai of culture held the exhibition titled «60 years together in life and in art» of the artists Luiza and Vladislav Kharitonov, scheduled to mark the 80th anniversary of V. Kharitonov. The visitors had an opportunity to pass their judgment on 125 paintings performed in oil, water-colours and in the technique of embroidery.

April 6-11

The CEH was the venue for personal «duet exhibition» of the two artists from Andijan: Abijan Bakirov and Shukhrat Rassom. Bakirov displayed primarily his realistic works, such as landscapes, still-lives, as well as works that combine a portrait and a landscape. Pieces presented by Sh. Rassom constituted a specific line in the development of the theme of the exhibition.

April 11-21
«All Different. All Equal. Traditions of Tolerance in Bukhara». This was the title of a photo exhibition of Bukhara masters held in the THP. Its main concept was to portray the representatives of different nations who live in harmony in this ancient city, and to show their traditions and customs.

April 14-21
An exhibition «Woman in Society» held in the THP was organized by a German group «Theodor Heuss Kollege» in partnership with the National Association of Non-governmental, non-profit organizations of Uzbekistan, the Institute for International Cooperation, German Association of Public Universities and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Uzbekistan. The main objective of the project was to demonstrate women’s active participation in the development process in contemporary Uzbekistan.

April 21-25

The Week of the pictorial art of Uzbekistan ran with a big success at the CEH. Each day of the Week was dedicated to a certain domain of art: painting, sculpture, graphic arts and miniature, applied arts and crafts. The Week offered a unique opportunity to introduce the artists and their work to the inhabitants of the capital city. Under the program of the Week, there was an exhibition called «Inspiration» dedicated to the Day of the Artist; its exposition displayed works created by the masters of brush and chisel.

May 1-9

The exhibition hall of the Ilkhom Theatre hosted the display of the artist Ibrogim Valikhojaev. His participation in many domestic and international exhibitions is the evidence of the master’s high professionalism and uniqueness. The evolution of the artist and his artistic development could be inferred from the timing of the creation of his canvases, which are quite diverse in genre: portraits, still-lives and landscapes in which the author expresses his own view upon the surrounding world.

May 2-12
International festival of topical video and photographic art «East-West. Tashkent Crossroads» was held in Tashkent. Photographs and video-installations united by the topic of Connections included the most diverse pieces created by artists from many countries of the world. The festival programme included the following exhibitions: Bodyconnections — at the THP; Connections — at the CEH and in the hall of the Exhibition of Culture and Art; Ultrablue — in the Alisher Navoi Park; Trainconnection — on the Tashkent-Urgench train; and Streetconnections — under the sky in Tashkent, Samarqand and Khiva.

May 8-18

The Gallery of Pictorial Art of Uzbekistan held an exhibition dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Honour and the 62nd anniversary of the victory over fascist Germany. The opening day presented the works of the artist now passed away, whose work has left an indelible mark in the history of pictorial art of Uzbekistan. Among them are A. Abdullaev, D. Imamov, N. Kuzibaev, R. Charyev, Y. Taldykin, A. Ligai, T. Mirjalilov and many other painters who created on our blessed land.

May 10 — June 15
The exhibition hall of the Ilkhom Theatre displayed the works of a well-known and popular artist of Uzbekistan, Academician of the AAU, Bakhodir Jalalov. The exhibition titled «Plus & Minus» presented installations, graphic and pictorial works of the artist. Once again he amazed the viewers by his extraordinary thinking, unrestrained imagination and top-class workmanship.

May 18 — June 25

«I and We» was the name of the exhibition held at the Gallery of Pictorial Art, scheduled to mark the International Museum Day. Paintings presented here, except 25 pieces donated to the Gallery by one of the art patrons, were performed in one genre only — portrait. The willingness to capture in painting, graphics or sculpture the images of prominent figures, scholars, artists and cultural workers is one of the main aspects of the portrait genre.

May 30 — June 7
The Gallery of Arts in Ashgabad, the capital of Turkmenistan, hosted the exhibition of Uzbek artists titled «Pictorial Art of Uzbekistan: Years of Independence». It demonstrated the works by renowned Uzbek artists such as Rakhim Akhmedov, Vladimir Burmakin, Javlon Umarbekov, Bakhodir Jalal, Kutlug Basharov, Liudmila Sadykova and others.

June 2-12
The Gallery of Contemporary Art in Seoul (Korea) housed the exhibition titled «Oriental Picasso — Nikolai Shin and the Artists of Uzbekistan», presenting the works by Nikolai Shin, Sobir Rakhmetov, Iskra Shin and Asliddin Isaev. The exhibition was a tribute to the memory of the renowned, talented and esteemed painter Nikolai Shin and the recognition of the mastery of other participants.


  • AAU — The Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan
  • GPA — The Gallery of Pictorial Art
  • THP — Tashkent House of Photography
  • CEH — Central Exhibition Hall of the AAU


Luiza Salikhova