Modern Art of Uzbekistan
Tashkent 2004.
Authored and compiled by Tursunali Kuziev.

The album dedicated to the fine and applied art of Uzbekistan presents works that are different in style, school, type and genre. Many of them were displayed at international and domestic exhibitions and highly appreciated by critics and audience. Presented authors include both venerable artists and photographers known in many countries, and young artists who only just begin their career in art but who already manifested themselves as worthy successors to the older generation of masters. Works presented in the album introduce the reader to the ancient culture and the culture of the independent modern nation.
In Uzbek and English languages.


O’zbek Fotografiyasi 125 Yil. I-jild.
1879-1940 (125 Years of Uzbek Photography. V.I. 1879-1940)
Tashkent 2005.
Volume I of the anthology titled «125 Years of Uzbek Photography» prepared for publication by the Tashkent House of Photography (THP) tells about the early period in Uzbek Photography spanning late 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Distinctive natural landscapes of the region, vivid and expressive characters of its inhabitants were perceived by the 19th century Europeans as something exotic and photographed. Following in step of the Europeans, local residents also developed an interest towards the technological innovation — the camera. Surviving photographs taken more than a hundred years ago present the superb samples of portraits of men full of dignity and pride in their native land. The album also features works by domestic photographers whose efforts contributed to the creation of the photo-chronicle of the Uzbek nation. These include pictures taken by the first domestic photographer and cameraman Khudaibergen Divanov, whose name is rightfully imprinted in gold into the history of Uzbek photography.
In English and Uzbek languages.


O’zbek Fotografiyasi 125 Yil. II-jild. 1941-1990
(125 Years of Uzbek Photography. V.II. 1941-1990).
Tashkent 2006.
Volume II of the album «125 Years of Uzbek Photography» covers the period when the Tashkent school of photography evolved. In contains works by professional Uzbek photographers. The elite cohort of the world photography classics was enlarged by the masters of Uzbek photography such as M. Zelma, M. Penson, A. Rodchenko, R. Shamsutdinova, K. Razykov, R. Sharipov, I. Glauberzon and many others. Owing to pictures taken many years ago by the masters of photographic art, a good memory of our own history and the history of our ancestors lives on.
In Uzbek and English languages.


Artist About Their Art
Tashkent 2006.
The publication opens a series of albums containing reproductions of the best works of Uzbekistan artists, who also tell about how the process of creation goes, what the challenges are when one is working on a picture, and what predetermines successful birth of a painting. «An artist must be sharp-sighted», notes Otakhon Allabergenov. «With the help of his brush he captures and represents features and nuances others cannot see». Vladimir Burmakin writes: «The power of our art is in its positive energy. We do not photograph the reality, we enhance our attitude to it with our imagination. We are the makers and architects of new time».
In Uzbek and Russian languages.


O. A. Ibragimov. Fergana-Tashkent Maqoms.
Tashkent, 2006.
The monograph studies the problems of genesis and evolution, covers the stop base and the princi ples of form evolvement of Fergana-Tashkent maqoms. Alongside, it considers issues related to comparing them to Shosh-maqom cycle. The art of maqomat is a significant phoenomenon in the global musical culture. In their vocal and instrumental examples that are deep in content and diverse in form,maqoms have reflected psychology, world outlook and aesthetics of the nation’s consciousness,its philosophical wisdom.
The book is intended for musicologists, art historians, as well as pedagogues and students of specialized education institutions.
In Russian language.


The Caravan Goes On. Catalogue Album. To the 120th anniversary of A.Volkov.
Compiled by L. Kodzaeva. Foreword by T. Kuziev.
Tashkent, 2007.
The Album presents the pictures by a well-known artist, the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan and one of the founders of the Uzbek school of fine art, Alexander Volkov. According to the Academician of the AAU R. Taktash, ‘His paintings absorbed the entire inflorescence of colours of Uzbekistan: the rhythms of rainbow floor rugs and Andijan carpets, Uzbek and Tajik dance tunes, the landscapes of his native Fergana…, the diversity of Central Asian lifestyles and national character». Volkov was a gifted man. Not only did he create pictures, he also wrote poems. Poetry and painting existed side by side. His visual world was poetic and musical — such are the complex interconnections of art and the essence of the very psychology of creative process.
In Uzbek and Russian languages.

Tursunali Kuziev