
More than 500 graphic works and drawings of Uzbekistan artists were represented at the exhibition “Black-and-white” in CMA. The works of V. Kaidalov, K. Basharov, M. Kagarov, K. Cheprakov, A. Hatamov, D. Umarbekov and many other artists proved potential of black-and-white palette.

July, 20 — August, 5

The personal exhibition of Akram Bahramov was held at CEH. The artist represented painting, graphics and placards.

July, 27 — August, 15

CEH hosted the exhibition of Karakalpakstan artists — National artist of Uzbekistan, Academician Z. Izentaev, B. Serekeev, U. Saparov and S. Boibosinov.

August, 5-17

Arts and Crafts Section of Art Association at AA Uz held the exhibition “Season”. The exhibition represented works of different genres — graphics, design, ceramics, embroidery, etc. Among participants were N. Kuzieva, B. Usarov, R. Gazalieva, A. Babaev and others.

August, 12-22

CEH hosted the personal exhibition of Dilarom Mamedova “Old city”. Though Dilarom Mamedova is young, her works are well known both in our republic and abroad.

August, 19 — September, 3

The exhibition “Melodies of Ghilan” exposed more than 100 works of painting, graphics and photo in CEH. The exhibition was named after Ghilan, village in Kashkadarya region where beauty of the nature, traditional folk life and customs remained untouched. The artists visited this place.

August, 26 — September, 15

Sculpture, graphics, painting and applied arts representing ancient and always wonderful city were exposed in CEH at Republican Exhibition “Samarkand”.

The works covered the period from 1920s-1930s downward. The works of esteemed artists are worthy of special mention. Among them there are — R. Temurov, Yu. Elizarov and M. Qalantarov; photographers — M. Penson and I. Panov, whose names became history of arts of Uzbekistan.

September, 6-26

The personal conceptual exhibition Kamoljon Babaev “Dimension” was held at International Caravanserai of Culture. Many painting works, photo collages, sculptural compositions and installations were exposed for the first time.

September, 14-28

CEH hosted the personal exhibition of National artist of Uzbekistan, Academician

and Professor Malik Nabiev, devoted to the 90th-anniversary.

September, 16-22

CEH exposed the exhibition of Korean artists devoted to the 100th-anniversary of Kim Pen Hwa, Hero of Labour and notable of Uzbekistan. The exhibition represented more than 200 works of famous artists — N. Shin, N. Pak, I. Shin, A. Lee, T. Lee and others.

October, 1-20

III Tashkent Biennale was held at CEH, CMA, National Gallery and

International Caravanserai of Culture (detailed information is given herein above).

October, 10-15

The exhibition as part of Korean Culture Days was held at National Gallery of Arts of Uzbekistan. More than forty artists took part in it. Works of Uzbek artists were exposed along with artists from Korean Diaspora, educated at art colleges in Uzbekistan. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic of Korea in Uzbekistan Mr. Moon Ha-Yong and Chairman of AA Uz T. Kuziev attended the opening ceremony.

October, 25 — November, 10

CEH hosted the personal exhibition of National Artist of Uzbekistan, Academician Kutlug Basharov devoted to the 80th-anniversary of the remarkable artist and teacher.

October, 26 — November, 13

The personal exhibition of the famous Surkhandarya artist Tura Shomirzaev was held at CMA. It exposed more than forty five new works.

October, 27 — November, 7

CEH held the personal exhibition of Farhod Suleimanov devoted to the 60th-anniversary of the artist. Historical subjects, philosophical still-lives and landscapes are the major themes of his works.

October, 28 — November, 15

CMA held the exhibition of the artists from the dynasty of Mirzaahmedovs. This family is rich of talents. The oldest, Gennady Skokov, his daughter Tatyana and son-in-law Khakim Mirzaahmedov are artists and teachers, Dilya and Timur Mirzaahmedovs represent the younger generation and work in painting, costume design and computer graphics.

October, 28 — November, 15

The dynasty of Ablakulovs from Urgut exhibited ceramics and embroidery at CMA. Family legends have kept names of ceramic masters from this family from the 17th century downward.

October, 28 — November, 13

CMA held the exhibition of the artistic dynasty of Kharitonovs. Vladislav Constantinovich and his spouse Louise Alexandrovna represent the elder generation. The younger generation is their daughters Nadejda and Olga. They work in many fields of art including painting, embroidery and decorative plastics.

October, 28 — November, 13

The exhibition “Heritage of masters from Gurumsarai. Vahabjon Buvaev” was held at CMA. Vahabjon Buvaev is the young ceramic artist keeping traditions of the ancient center of traditional ceramics in Uzbekistan.

November, 9-17

The exhibition of the dynasty of sculptors Ivanovs was held at CEH. It was devoted to the 100th-anniversary of its founder, National Sculptor Alexey Ivanov (1905-1986) and to his sons, Mark (born in 1935) and Paul (born in 1938). About one hundred works from State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan and Ivanovs’ family archive were exposed.

November, 16 — December, 4

The personal exhibition of famous artist and teacher Orif Muinov exposed about 40 works at CMA.

November, 16 — December, 4

“My heart belongs to mountains…” was a title of the exhibition at CEH. The exhibition exposed works of three artists — Rimma Gagloeva, Vera Nechaeva and Dilyus Mursalimov. Their long friendship arose thanks to joint annual trips for plein-air to Akbulak, Urungach-sai, Qarankul and other places, etc. About 200 works were exposed.

November, 17 — December, 1

More than 150 works of 34 leading artists were exposed at CEH within the second review exhibition of AA Uz members. It represented all genres and directions of contemporary fine arts and crafts.

December, 6-12

The exhibition devoted to the 70th-anniversary of State Pedagogical University by Nizami and the 50th-anniversary of painting and graphics faculty was held at CEH. Masters of painting and graphics from faculty members including National Artist of Uzbekistan M. Nabiev, Professors G. Abdurahmanov, Y. Salpinkidi, teachers B. Tadjiev, N. Abdusalomhodjaev and many others as well as students of the university exposed their works, each of which declared individual world vision.

December, 23 — January, 13

More than 150 artists exposed the works at the exhibition “Nature and Artist” in CEH. That was the 21st exhibition under this title. More than 350 works of artists of different age and directions of painting were exposed. Glorification of natural harmony and its originality threaded the exposition. Works of photo artist Victoria Bots salted the exhibition. Portraits of famous artists at work or rest were named “Maestro”.