January 8 — February 8
«Moments of Winter» — the Christmas photo exhibition held at the S.Yesenin Museum where were presented about fifty works crested by Tashkent photo artists. Among mountain landscapes and winter sketches of Tashkent and S. Petersburg was presented a serial — «Russian orthodox church in Tashkent». Metropolitan the Tashkent and Central Asian Vladimir attended the opening ceremony.

January 22 — February 11
At CEH was held the exhibition devoted to the New Year celebrations in Far East. «New Year Kaleidoscope» had represented about 150 works. Among them there was a collection of costumes from the Tamara Khanum Museum, photo works by Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese and Korean masters, given by THPh, graphics, porcelain and faience pieces of applied arts (China).

January 30 — February 11
The personal exhibition «Aral Motives» marked the 80th — anniversary of R. Matevosyan. His art has been closely connected with Aral for more than forty years and represented the original chronicle of dramatic disaster of the sea. About forty works had formed the exposition at CEH.

February 4 — 24
At CEH was held the exhibition and memory evenings devoted to the 80th — anniversary of B. Brynskikh and 70th — anniversary of B. Tokmin. Landscape — architectural, urban and rural motives occupy a key place in the works of B. Brynskikh. B. Tokmin works in portrait, landscape and still life, however more typical of him are genre compositions. Two exhibitions, organized by DAE and AA Uz exposed over fifty works of the talented artists.

February 6 — 19
«Ten authors of comics in France» — the exhibition held at CMA, organized by V. Hugo’s French Cultural Center and the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. At the opening ceremony Attachi for culture of France in Uzbekistan, Simon Tordjman took a speech. The works collected by D. Mattei give the evidence for huge variety and richness of comics — the art breaking borders between genres and giving the opportunity to study ways of creative realization in comics both for adults and for children.

February 10 — 20
150 works — painting, graphics, wood carving and miniature (book, lacquer and on leather) were exposed at CEH’s exhibition devoted to the art of the great ancestors — the 563rd — anniversary of A. Navoi, 549th — anniversary of K. Bihzad and 521st — anniversary of Z. Babur.

February 10 — March 14
«Rhythms of Black Continent» — the exhibition held at CEH. The exhibition exposed painting and graphic works of the Uzbekistan’s artists and over 100 art pieces of African traditional crafts. Among exhibits given by collectors there is sculpture, masks, textile, platting and costumes from different regions of Africa as well as photographs.

February 12 — March 10
100 works — sculpture, painting and graphics formed the exposition of the personal exhibition of A. Khatamov held at CEH. The vernissage of the artist from Surkhandarya was devoted to the 20th — anniversary of his art carreer.

February 13 — March 15
At THPh, the day before Valentine’s Day was opened the exhibition «The star is talking with the star». 63 photo works by L. Ametov, V. Vyatkin, A. Djumaev, Tursun Ali, S. Spiridonov, S. Karandaev and the other photo artists reflected various emotions and feelings in relations between the man and woman. AA Uz, CEH and CMA rendered the support in organization of this exhibition.

February 19 — March 6
The exhibition «India in the eyes of Uzbekistan’s artists» held at CEH represented 100 works of the Uzbek artists. Among them there is a triptych «Devotion to India» by R. Choryev, photo works by T. Kuziev, portraits devoted to the Indian people by cinema artist B. Nazarov as well as pictures by A. Nur, A. Mirzaev, A. Ikramjonov and the other artists. The director of the Indian Cultural Center Joseph Lobo took a speech at the opening.

February 25 — March 15
60 pictures of the National Artist of Uzbekistan A. Mirzaev and 90 works of the students from his studio «Miniature and decorative painting» illuminated halls of CEH at the exhibition «Traditions of teaching — friendship and generosity».

February 26 — March 6
The Switzerland Cooperation Agency at the Embassy of Switzerland in Uzbekistan has held the exhibition finalizing the long — term projects on revival of traditional Nurata’s embroidery and Denau’s ceramic production. The pieces exposed at CMA were created by 15 women, which had studied ancient technologies based on natural pigments under the project. All compositions follow the traditional style. The exhibition represented the works of life ceramic master from Denau, Surkhandarya region, Zukhurov Mukhammad Rasul and his students.

February 27 — March 10
At the exhibition hall of «Ilkhom» theatre was held the personal exhibition of F. Akhmadaliev «Heart of dervish». The exposition presented 25 painting works, installations «Through centuries» and «Heart of dervish». The Project curator — Doctor of Arts N. Akhmedova. Organizers — The Center of Crafts «Khamsa» and Art Gallery «Caravan».

February 27 — March 12
More than 20 painting works were exposed at the personal exhibition of Ya. Kiyko, held at V. Hugo French Cultural Center through the agency of the Embassy of France in Uzbekistan. The vernissage «Impressions of south France» was added by photo reportage by the author. Johann Uhres, Counsellor on Culture, Scientific and Technical Cooperation opened the exhibition.

March 1 — 14
The works by D. Sadykova, mostly still lives and «female images» were exposed at CMA in the section «New names». The personal exhibition organized through the promotion of DAE and AA Uz presented 40 works of the young artist.

March 10 — 25
At CEH was held the exhibition of Japanese dolls. Their manufacturing from wood, paper, fabric or clay has obtained a status of developing branch within applied arts of Japan. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Akio Kawato and Chairman of AA Uz, Tursunali Kuziev opened the exhibition. Organizers: AA Uz, Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Japanese Foundation.

March 13 — April 1
V. Vyatkin and A. Korovin presented 34 works at the art photo exhibition «Manzari» («Landscape») at S. Yesenin Museum. The author of the project — V. Vyatkin.

March 18 — 31
The exhibition devoted to Navruz had been held at CEH. It exposed 300 works: exquisite suzaneh, oil and aquarelle pictures, miniatures, graphics, photographs, sculpture, installations, etc. Among the authors, there are famous artists and photo artists of Uzbekistan, J. Usmanov, J. Umarbekov, Kh. Ziyakhanov, T. Kuziev, V. Sokolov and young artists E. Khayitov, Z. Mansurov and others.

March 19 — April 18
Within the traditional festival of folk art at CMA devoted to Navruz was held the exhibition «Decorative and applied arts of Bukhara and Kashkadarya» where were presented copper embossed works, wood carving, ceramics, suzaneh, gold embroidery of Bukhara and photographs by the artists from THPh. Organizers: AA Uz, DAE, the Museum of Applied Arts of Uzbekistan and others.

AA Uz — the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan
CEH — Central Exhibition Hall
CMA — Center of Modern Art
THPh — Tashkent House of Photograph
DAE — Direction of Art Exhibitions

Prepared by Yulia Tarasenko