Nodir Bobomurodov Nodir Bobomurodov was born in 1986 in the town of Gijduvan, Bukhara Province. In 2005 he graduated from the National College of Design named after A. Hojaev and was admitted to the monumental painting department of the K. Behzad National Institute of Arts and Design. At the Institute, he honed his skills and mastery under the guidance of Academician of the Academy of Arts B. Jalalov and J. Rakhmanov.

Зима, вечер. Canvas, oil. 2008 Bobomurodov presented his art at a number of national level exhibitions such as «My Mahalla» (2005, Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan), «The Works of Students and Apprentices» dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, «Nature and Artist» (CEH of the AAU) that displayed his «Old City», «The Panorama of Humsan» and other paintings.

Bobomurodov’s works are characterized by sincerity and soulfulness. In search of expressivity on the canvas surface he paints a lot, and that is the artist’s the main schooling.

Charvak. Canvas, oil. 2008 As for Bobomurodov’s genre preferences, it should be noted that his gives priority to landscape and still life. However, he does not make a strong distinction between them, and at times a landscape is combined with a still-life.

An important step for the young artist was turning to history, and this choice was largely influenced by his mentors B. Jalalov and J. Rakhmanov.

My mahalla. Canvas, oil. 2009 By nature, Bobomurodov is an energetic, restless and joyful man, and these qualities have a positive effect on his creative activity. The artist is attracted to the country’s sanctuaries, which have an air of romanticism about them. He takes his painter’s case to different part of the country, painting portraits and landscapes. Daily life subjects in his paintings sometimes resemble studies. Life-asserting are his colourful landscapes «Charvak», «Springtime Chimgan», «The Outskirts of Hojikent», and still-lives «Wild Flower Bouquet», «Gifts of Nature», etc.

Bobomurodov has few works in the portrait genre, but more in the genre of landscape, often painting one and the same site, yet every time rendering it in a different way. Noteworthy are his «Self Portrait» and «The Old Man», in which one could feel his devotion to art, love for his native land, and self-denial. The artist’s works have much in common with the works of such renowned artists as U. Tansykbaev and R. Akhmedov.

Quite interesting are Bobomurodov’s works on the subject of the four seasons. Whenever he visits his home in Gijduvan, he paints studies and draws sketches for his new pieces. His paintings are characterized by an original combination of colours of his native land, imagination, and performance mastery.

When it comes to individuality and originality of the young people’s inner world, then, regardless of skill level, one should persevere in the search for one’s identity, which will help find one’s place in art.

By Sukhrob Kurbanov