In January 2007 it has been 10 years since the establishment of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan (AAU), the country's supreme academic and consolidating institution in the area of fine arts. The AAU plays a very important role in bringing up and training the new generation of Uzbek artists, architects, designers and art historians, in promoting the fine art of Uzbekistan and in uniting the artists of all schools.

The AAU receives congratulatory anniversary greetings from creative associations of artists from many countries, as well as from the representatives of foreign nations accredited in our country. The congratulatory message from M. M. Fatkulin, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Confederation of the Artists' Unions, says: «Dear Tursunali Karimovich!

On behalf of the Artists' Unions that form the International Confederation of the Artists' Unions I wholeheartedly congratulate you, all members of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan and creative organizations and units it comprises with the 10th anniversary of its establishment. Ten years is not a long period for the history, but a lot has been done by the Academy to bring together the entire creative capacity of Uzbekistan in the sphere of fine art, and to consolidate efforts and research in order to develop new professional environment that has become independent in the country. In view of the set goals and objectives, over these years the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan has become the source of new concepts and ideas in fine art, which are being successfully implemented in its many-sided activity. The results become the asset of the entire artistic community of the world.

With the establishment of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan the issues of fine arts development have reached a qualitatively new level. Over the past decade unique conditions were created for the development of national fine arts and artistic education, as well as for the development of exhibition, academic and publishing activity. Strong government support facilitates sustainable development of these basic areas, and the preservation and evolution of the Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan in the framework of the Academy helps the engagement of the country's entire creative community into these processes. The Academy has galvanized international projects and programs, such as International Contemporary Art Biennale successfully running in Tashkent, and this facilitates the promotion of the national fine art in the world and the formation of a positive image of Uzbekistan as a country with rich spiritual heritage and well-developed artistic gains in the present.

A specific mention should be given to the organizational talent of the Academy's leadership who have been able to unite all members and staff of the Academy in order to implement these high and responsible objectives, and turn them into the team of co-thinkers united by talent, efficiency and love for the job they do.

I am convinced that these gains will be consistently multiplied, and the Academy of Arts will rightfully earn its fame as a true mainstay of the national culture, art and education. In these days of joy, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you with the anniversary and wish you further wins and flourishing for the benefit of the national culture and the peoples of Uzbekistan.
Brotherly hug.»

Mr. Daisaku Ikeda, the President of Soka Gakkai International, in his congratulatory note wrote: «Dear Mr. Kuziev!

On behalf of all members of Soka Gakkai International representing 190 countries of the world let me wholeheartedly congratulate you with the 10th anniversary of the Academy of Arts which is the citadel of fine arts on Earth.

Taking the opportunity let me express my profound gratitude for and appreciation of your remarkable achievements in strengthening mutual understanding and cultural exchange between our nations.

Owing to your ceaseless efforts and attention the golden history of friendship between Soka University and Uzbekistan has been created: in February 2002 I received the Diploma of the Honorary Member of the National Institute of Arts and Design named after K. Bekhzad under your Academy;

In December 2002 we were given the greatest honour: His Excellency the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam A. Karimov became our Honorary Doctor;

In March 2004 a monument to the great poet Alisher Navoi was installed in our campus — the gift from the Government of Uzbekistan.

I am infinitely delighted to see the productive development of cooperation with your country, specifically in the field of science, culture and art, which are the soil that nourishes humanity, the force that unites human hearts, and the foundation of peace and accord in the complex environment of the present day.»

Greeting and wishes for the attainment of further creative heights in fine art of our nation to reflect dynamic achievements continuously ongoing in the country were also sent by Muhammad Fatkhali, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Angelo Persiani, Ambassador of Italy; Allamyrat Mukhamedov, Chairman of the Artists' Union of Turkmenistan; V. S. Basalyga, Chairman of the Public Association » Artists' Union of Belarus»; and Karen Agamyan, Chairman of the Artists' Union of Armenia.

Yuriy Podporenko

Председателю Академии
художеств Узбекистана
Кузиеву Т.К.

Дорогой Турсунали Каримович!
От имени союзов художников, объединенных в Международную конфедерацию союзов художников, сердечно поздравляю Вас, всех членов Академии художеств Узбекистана, творческие организации и подразделения, входящие в её структуру, со знаменательной датой — 10-летием со дня образования. 10 лет — небольшой срок для истории, но сделано очень много для объединения в рядах Академии всего творческого потенциала Узбекистана в сфере изобразительного искусства, для консолидации всех усилий и поисков по формированию новой профессиональной среды, обретшей свою независимость в государстве. С учетом поставленных целей и задач за эти годы Академия художеств Узбекистана стала источником новых концепций и идей в изобразительном искусстве республики, которые успешно реализуются в её многогранной деятельности. Эти результаты становятся достоянием всей мировой художественной общественности.

С созданием Академии художеств Узбекистана вопросы развития изобразительного искусства вышли на качественно новый уровень. За прошедшее десятилетие были созданы уникальные условия для развития национального изобразительного искусства, художественного образования, выставочной, научной и издательской деятельности. Мощная государственная поддержка способствует стабильному развитию этих базовых направлений, а сохранение и развитие в рамках Академии Творческого объединения художников Узбекистана — вовлечению в эти процессы всего художественного сообщества страны. Активизация Академией международных проектов и программ, как например, успешно проходящие Международные Ташкентские биеннале современного искусства, содействует популяризации национального изобразительного искусства в мире и формированию позитивного имиджа Узбекистана как страны с богатейшим духовным наследием и развитыми художественными достижениями в настоящем.

Хочется особо отметить организаторский талант руководства Академии, которое смогло сплотить для выполнения столь высоких и ответственных задач всех членов и сотрудников Академии, превратить их в коллектив единомышленников, объединенных талантом, работоспособностью и безмерной любовью к своему делу.

Убежден, что достигнутые успехи будут неизменно приумножаться, и за Академией художеств будет по праву закреплена слава подлинного оплота национальной культуры, искусства и образования. В эти радостные дни, от всей души поздравляя с юбилеем, желаю дальнейших побед и процветания во имя и на благо национальной культуры и народов Узбекистана.

Братски обнимаем.

Председатель Исполкома
Международной конфедерации
союзов художников
М. М. Фаткулин